The WAF Mission Statement
Wentworth Africa Foundation’s mission is to empower vulnerable students in Tanzania so they can achieve their potential. We accomplish this aim by actively developing and managing fundamental educational projects and opportunities that improve their health, safety, security, equality and environment.
Taken from the WAF Tanzania Constitution
- Promote and improve students' access to education resources including books and ICT equipment.
- Improve school infrastructures including library refurbishment, and SWASH facilities (toilet construction and water facilities).
- Advocate for girls rights to education through provision of bursary support.
- Empower teachers to produce quality results through training and provision of teaching resources.
- Raise awareness on health education including education related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and menstruation hygiene.
The Wentworth Africa Foundation believes that all people have the right to:
- Education.
- Equality.
- A healthy, safe and secure environment.
- A means to provide for one's family.
- Ample food, clean water, power and access to essential services.
Six Core Values
The Wentworth Africa Foundation’s values can be summarized by using the word IMANI (Swahili for: Faith in our people and ourselves).
We value:
Staying accountable to all stakeholders and adhering to high moral standards in all of our endeavors.
A world where each person has access to ample resources and is able to realize their full potential.
Believing that change doesn’t happen overnight, but investing in long-term, sustainable projects will build vibrant communities.
Always remembering why our work is so important and sharing our vision with everyone around us.
Our Neighbors
Respect and understanding for all cultures, religions and experiences.
We take our responsibilities seriously and adhere to strict policies to ensure that we conduct our business legally and ethically.
The foundation's leaders come from a broad range of backgrounds and have a diversity of expertise and experience. Our leaders are guided by the foundation's mission to actively develop and manage educational projects and provide opportunities that improve students' health, safety, security, equality and environment.

Barbara McBean, President (UK)
Barb McBean is the President of Wentworth Africa Foundation UK and Co-Founded the Foundation in 2012. Barb’s role has been to raise funds for the Foundation and to foster and maintain relationships with Government Officials in Tanzania including the Minister of Education, Deputy Minister of Energy, Regional Commissioners, and other key stakeholders. She is responsible for directing the affairs of the Foundation and ensuring that it is well-run and delivering the charitable outcomes for which it is has been established.
Barb is a Canadian citizen and has worked internationally in the oil and gas business for over 30 years, 15 of those years was as Office Manager for a company responsible for the development and execution of a major petrochemical facility in the Middle East. She has spent the last 20 years living overseas in Dubai and the United Kingdom.
Barb has strong family values and loves to travel the world, enjoys playing golf and Pilates. She believes that all individuals in the community should have affordable access to education and health care.

Neema Ndikumwami, Director (TZ)
Neema Ndikumwami is a Director for Wentworth Africa Foundation Tanzania. She has 15+ years working in the oil and gas industry managing corporate social responsibility programs for Wentworth Gas Limited and WAF. Neema is Founder and Director of WAF Tanzania since 2008 when the foundation began. She has a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Eastern and Southern Management Institute (ESAMI) and a Business Management degree from Webster University in London.
Neema loves crafts, painting, and gardening; is a leader in her community where she lives and also takes an active role in her local church.

Baraka Nsemwa, Director (TZ)
Baraka Nsemwa joined as a Director for Wentworth Africa Foundation Tanzania in 2012. He has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Sciences from University of Dar es salaam and a Post Graduate Certificate in NGO Leadership from University of Witwatersrand (Graduate School of Public & Development Management).
For the past 15 years, Baraka has been responsible for managing Wentworth's Human Resources and Administration functions. Prior to joining Wentworth, Baraka served as Human Resources Specialist for Tanzania Breweries Limited, for four years. He has also been a Member Board of Mining Services Sector Wage in Tanzania.

Jean-Michel Doublet, Director (UK)
Jean-Michel Doublet was inspired to join the Wentworth Africa Foundation Board of Directors, having worked as a Corporate Finance adviser to Wentworth Resources and saw first-hand the company's efforts to help communities in Tanzania.
Jean-Michel worked as an economist for the World Bank and the IFC in Washington DC, specializing in Africa and the Middle East, before spending the last 25 years in Paris, New York City and London with BNP Paribas, Clermont Energy Partners, and Blue Oak Advisory.
Jean-Michel has 30 years of experience in investment banking, with a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley.

Sauda Simba, Director (TZ)
Sauda Simba brings a multitude of talents to the Wentworth Africa Foundation board that are critical in implementing our Literacy and Keep a Girl in School projects.
She is very passionate about arts, culture, and the environment and is an invaluable asset to WAF in implementing youth empowerment projects, especially involving girls, a key resource group to Tanzania's development.
Sauda has written several children’s books, produced two music albums, and acted in several Tanzanian film and television productions. She sits on various boards in the fields of development, youth, arts and culture and owns a multi-Media Communications Agency.

Madeline Yale Preston, Trustee (UK)
Madeline Yale Preston joined Wentworth Africa Foundation UK’s Board of Trustees in February 2019. She is a non-profit advisor and photography historian with over 10-years director-level experience in the charitable sector. As a non-profit executive and executive director, she has helped organizations to develop and manage strategies for long-term stability and growth through collaborative leadership, fiscal management and strategic planning. She has a particular interest in supporting women and girls to help achieve parity across all sectors.
Madeline is a keen supporter of WAF’s Keep a Girl in School program. At WAF, Madeline helps with strategic planning, marketing, governance and fundraising.

Kate Makuen, Trustee (UK)
Kate Makuen has a wealth of experience in charity fundraising. WAF was fortunate to welcome her as a Trustee in 2019.
She is a fellow of The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce (RSA), a specialist in B2B financial services, technology and innovation; Kate brings unique perspectives in utilizing the creative field to achieve our goals.
Kate was educated at Oxford, Yale and Cornell and is qualified in the UK as an independent Non-Executive Director (iNED). She has worked for American Express, Chase Manhattan Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, HSBC, RBS and Deutsche Bank to name a few.