Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation (Hospital) in Tanzania (CCBRT)
Each year in Tanzania, 11,000 women die due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth and 66,000 babies do not survive their first month of life.
In 2022, WAF has supported the CCBRT Maternity & Newborn Ward which aims at providing specialist care for high-risk and emergency maternity cases, including mothers with disabilities, histories of fistula, and adolescents. Our support, helps CCBRT’s efforts to prevent disability, increasing access to emergency obstetric care; preventing disability in newborns and minimize long-term disability for babies born with impairment, or mothers who suffer childbirth injuries. By providing prompt diagnosis and immediate referral to CCBRT’s Disability Hospital for treatment.
As a super specialist zonal referral hospital, CCBRT Maternity & Newborn Ward will care for women and babies with high risk pregnancies and obstetric emergencies.
The hospital will deal with referrals of high risk and complicated pregnancies, emergency referrals of complicated deliveries, and women with vulnerable pregnancy. This includes pregnant women with disabilities, past history of fistula and pregnant women younger than 16 years old.
WAF is proud of the partnership with CCBRT and plan to continue supporting the hospital in the years to come.